Saturday, March 28, 2009

They don't hate us for our Freedom Tower

I always thought it was an atrocious idea to name the new, 1776-foot-tall building at the Ground Zero the "Freedom Tower," which was why I was overjoyed to hear they were going to call it "One World Trade Center" instead.

"Freedom Tower" conjures up the worst, whiniest, reactionary days of the Bush administration, when anybody who thought twice about bombing Iraq to the Stone Age was a freedom-hating surrender monkey.

The idea was completely wrong-headed: The namers thought they were showing defiance in the misguided belief that terrorists hated us for our freedom, as our dumbass president constantly insisted.

But terrorists don't hate us for our freedom. If we're going to name our buildings so as to antagonize terrorists with what enrages them the most, we should name them stuff like "The We're Israel's Bitch, and Proud Of It, Tower."

No, naming our buildings something calm and measured like "One World Trade Center" is the real fuck-you to the terrorists: It tells them we're not rattled by their crimes.

Of course, some people will never have their big-boy pants on when it comes to all of this. George Pataki, for example, is still in diapers:

"The Freedom Tower isn't going to be One World Trade Center, it's going to be the Freedom Tower," he said in comments broadcast on NY1 television. [And he'll stamp his feet and hold his breath until it's so!]

"I think One and Two World Trade Center are sacred names which should never be used again," said Pataki.

Fucking spare me.

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