Monday, March 23, 2009

Festival O' Geithner Plan Reax

So, who likes the plan?

Wall Street obviously likes it. Because, hey, free money!

Brad DeLong seems to like it. He agrees with the central premise, that toxic assets are undervalued.

Kevin Drum thinks the same thing, only more convincingly and a great deal less dickishly than DeLong (dickishness is DeLong's default approach to any issue; it doesn't serve him well).

And that's all I've found so far in favor.

Updated: Also Mark Thoma. And these guys (all of whom have some skin in the game).

And James Surowiecki.

The "Nays" are legion.

Paul Krugman.

Dean Baker.



Felix Salmon.

Calculated Risk.

Yves Smith

Robert Waldmann.

Henry Blodget.

Ezra Klein.

Roger Ehrenberg.

Steve Waldman.

Matthew Yglesias.

Christy Hardin Smith (and others at Firedoglake).

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